Jump into Canine Fitness Month!

Celebrate Active Dog Month this April, also known as Canine Fitness Month, by focusing on your dog’s health and fitness levels. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, millions of dogs around the country are currently overweight or obese. This puts them at risk of developing severe health issues, significantly affecting their overall quality […]

What to Consider Before Getting a Puppy

Before bringing a new puppy home, it’s important to truly consider whether you are ready for a new puppy, how to take care of a new puppy, and how to make sure your home is safe for a new puppy. Getting a puppy is an enormous responsibility, and your new pet will rely on you […]

February is National Pet Dental Health Month: Our Recommended Pet Dental Care

February is National Pet Dental Health Month, which is a great time to check in with your pet’s veterinarian about your pet’s dental health needs. Being proactive about your pet’s dental care can reduce their risk of oral and dental diseases that could threaten their health or lower their life expectancy. Take a look at […]

What is Canine Respiratory Illness and What Are the Symptoms?

Canine respiratory illness is a dangerous new respiratory infection that is affecting dogs across the United States. Veterinarians are not yet sure if the illness is viral or bacterial, what causes it, or what the most effective treatment method is. In order to protect your dog from canine respiratory illness, take the time to learn […]

Seeing the Signs Your Pet Needs More Exercise

A key part of being a responsible, loving pet owner is knowing the signs of a physical or mental health issue with your pet. Making sure your pet gets enough daily exercise and attention can maintain his physical and mental health, and reduce his risk of behavioral issues, obesity, and health conditions or diseases. If […]

Canine Respiratory Illness

Should you be concerned about respiratory illness in your dog? A mystery canine respiratory illness has been spreading across the nation with occurrences reported in Oregon, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada, and portions of the Northeast. The symptoms mimic those of kennel cough or canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC), as respiratory signs […]

Brushing Up on Senior Pet Care Basics for Senior Pet Month

It’s November, and that means it’s time to celebrate Senior Pet Month. As your cat or dog gets older, they’re bound to go through some changes, and that means you might have to adjust your routine to match their needs. Luckily, most of these adjustments are simple and easy to do, but they make a […]

The Importance and Health Benefits of Spaying & Neutering Pets

Spaying or neutering your pet will ensure you don’t contribute to the ongoing crisis of homelessness in pets. Millions of healthy cats and dogs are euthanized every year because there is no home to place them. Spaying and neutering pets also offers health benefits and behavioral benefits.  Longer, Healthier Lifespan Female pets that are spayed […]

Learning About Pet Care: A Guide for Parents

When searching for creative and interactive ways to teach your child about core life lessons, consider introducing pet-care into their daily routine. Caring for an animal helps your child develop a platform of empathy, commitment, and responsibility that transfers into other aspects of their life while strengthening the bond between your pet and child. If […]

Make Sure Your Pets are Protected for National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, which is the perfect time to evaluate your pet’s vaccination records and make sure he’s up to date on his immunizations. Vaccinations keep disease away from your pets, and help them live a long, happy, and healthy life. Your veterinarian can go over your pet’s vaccination history and schedule […]